Yesterday I a small documentary on PBS made by two American students Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis. This documentary main focus was trying to find out what was causing the obesity in America. Soon to their amazement they find "CORN" is present in every processed food item in America. As result they go on a journey to the Midwest USA , to find out what CORN is ? , how is it produced and what kind of metamorphosis it goes through, before it reaches food shelves. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone and it is a must for any major fast foodie. Visit the page KING CORN to know more about the movie.
- 66 % of Americans are obese or over weight.
- one can of soda a day double your chance of diabetes.
- In 2007 92 million acres of corn was planed and about 13.1 billion bushels of corn was harvested in USA.
- In 2007 92 million acres of corn was planed and about 13.1 billion bushels of corn was harvested in USA.
- Beef from a corn fed cattle has 9 gms of saturated fat as compared to 1.5 gms from a grass fed cattle.
- About 545 million bushels of corn goes towards making corn syrup.
- An average American consumes about 79 pounds of corn sweetener over a years period.
- Corn subsidy paid by USA government on 2005 was 9 billion.
- Most of the corn farmers would not plant the crop if there was no subsidy from government to plant it.
- Before 1970 there was no corn syrup in America foods.
- Current American corn is genetically modified not for taste but to maximize the production.